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  • What is your pre-treatment advice?
    ​I am committed to giving you the best advice in order to determine your suitability for micropigmentation. As we are working with living tissue, ensuring the skin is in optimum condition is vital to our results. It is essential that this advice is followed in order to give you the best healed results. Please note that a patch test and consultation is advisable to ensure that there are no allergies to the pigments and numbing cream used during the procedure (unless waived by client). However, this is purely a precaution and is not compulsory. If you have had previous PMU or tattoos without any reactions, then there is no need for undue concern. It is important to give some consideration prior to the treatment regarding the results you want to achieve. You may if you wish, contact me to arrange a pre-treatment consultation, which should be carried out at least 2 weeks prior to the treatment itself. A full explanation of what it involves will be given so you are fully informed before consent is obtained and the procedure is carried out. This is not compulsory, and can briefly be done before the start of your treatment. We will fully discuss what your expectations are regarding the treatment outcome and the look you wish to achieve. Together we will design a shape that compliments you, and choose the best pigment to complement your skin tone, hair colour and to suit your individuality. It is always easier to darken a colour at the top-up appointment so this will be taken into consideration. I will also assess your skin suitability for the treatment. A full past medical history is required and a history of any medications you may be taking as some may be contraindicated to the procedure. General Advice before your treatment: Importantly there is pre and post procedure advice that must be followed to ensure the best outcome and to prolong the life of your new cosmetic tattoo. Timing is important.… are you going on holiday or do you have a wedding/party coming up? These have to be taken into account as they take about a week to heal. Everyone has to have a top-up 8-12 weeks after the first procedure, so you may have to factor this in when booking. Many clients like to visit with freshly washed hair, so that they do not need to worry about getting their new brows or makeup wet for a few days. Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may be swollen or red, it is advised that you do not make any social plans for the day. Arnica is a great supplement to take prior to the procedure to reduce any swelling. Please read the following advice carefully: • Permanent cosmetic procedures can require multiple treatment sessions. For best results, clients will be required to return for at least one top-up appointment. This will take place 8-12 weeks after the initial procedure. Those with oily skin may require an additional top-up (extra cost). Please be aware that colour intensity will be significantly darker and sharper immediately and a few days after the initial procedure, but the colour will reduce by 30-50%. • Permanent cosmetic procedures do not cause cold sores. However if you carry the virus, it lays dormant in the body and can be aroused by the procedure. You must understand that permanent makeup causes the reactivation of the herpes virus (Herpes simplex). However it is not the cause of the infection. • Hormone therapies can affect pigmentation and/or cause sensitivity. • The National Blood Service will not accept blood donations for 4 months after micropigmentation treatments. ​ Topical Anaesthetic Advice • Allergic reactions can occur from any anaesthetics used during the procedure. If you do suffer from an allergic reaction, you should contact your doctor immediately. Allergic reaction response may show through redness, swelling, rash, blistering, dryness or any other symptoms associated with an allergic reaction. If you have ever had a reaction to Lidocaine, you must inform me. • Numbness – I cannot accept responsibility if the area to be treated does not respond to the numbing gel. Each individual is different according to skin type. Some clients report the area to be completely numb, while others may experience some discomfort. • Procedure – For permanent cosmetic procedures, a numbing gel is used. The products are formulated to be perfectly safe and can be purchased over the counter from any pharmacy/chemist. The anaesthetic is placed over the treatment area after the skin has been broken. As a result of the treatment, combined with the use of the anaesthetic, you can expect to experience some redness/swelling that can last one to four days. You should always follow your post-procedure and aftercare advice for the best results. Please also refer to "What should I do before my appointment?"
  • What should I do before my appointment?
    Please refrain from the following treatments prior to your appointment: Electrolysis - 7 days Abrasive treatments e.g skin peel/microdermabrasion - 2 weeks Chemical/Laser treatment - 6 weeks Botox - 2 weeks Fillers - 4 weeks Do not tint your eyebrows 5 days before the procedure Do not piok/tweeze/wax/have electrolysis one week before procedure Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior (natural blood thinners) Do not tan 7 days prior or come with sunburned skin Do not have any type of facial 7 days prior to treatment Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol or Steroids skin care products 4 weeks prior Do not have Botox/Fillers 2 weeks prior to treatment To avoid excessive bleeding and poor colour retention: Do not drink alcohol 24 - 48 hours before your procedure Do not consume coffee/tea at least 4 hours before your procedure Do not take Aspirin or Ibuprofen for pain relief (blood thinners) 24 hours before your procedure Discontinuing any mediation should be consulted with your doctor first PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT Please drink plenty of water in the 2 weeks leading up to your appointment as hydration is key for skin healing. Please avoid any AHA/Glycolic/Retinoid preparations around the area for a minimum of 7 days. Avoid any blood thinning medications at least 72 hours prior to your appointment. This includes Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Vitamin E, Niacin, and fish oil supplements. 1-2 weeks before your treatment, start gently exfoliating any dead skin cells and moisturise the area twice a day. No tanning or sunbeds at least 4 weeks prior to your treatment. When your skin heals and sloughs off after a sunburn, your pigment will be lost with it. If you come to your appointment with a fresh tan or sunburn, you will be forced to forfeit your appointment and your booking fee. If you've been on the prescription drug Accutane (or similar, please do your research!) in the past, you must wait 1 year after stopping the drug before getting this procedure. BROWS - Please ensure any tinting, waxing or threading is carried out at least 7 days prior to your appointment. EYELINER - Lash growth serums must not be used for a minimum of 3-6 months prior to your appointment. EYELINER - Eyelash extensions should be removed a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your appointment. EYELINER - Any lash lifts / lash tints should ideally be carried out at least 7 days prior to treatment. LIPS - Start using a gentle lip scrub daily 1-2 weeks prior to your appointment. You can use a gentle salt/sugar scrub and lip balm for this. LIPS - Keep the lips moisturised and hydrated every day with a good lip balm (avoid vaseline as this is just a barrier). LIPS - Lip wax or bleaching treatments should not be undertaken for two weeks preceding your treatment. LIPS - If you have a history of cold sores (herpes simplex), we advise you to contact your doctor to obtain a prescription for an oral anti-herpes medication to prevent such outbreaks. Alternatively, obtain herpes medication from your local chemist and use 5 days before and 5 days after your procedure. This can help minimise an outbreak. We highly recommend anti-herpes medication Acciclovir, even if you have never had a cold sore before. Herpes simplex / cold sores are a typical reaction in permanent makeup of the lips. ON THE DAY OF YOUR TREATMENT You must be in good health and not pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not exercise on the day of the procedure (neither before nor after). Please eat before your treatment to help with blood sugar levels. If possible, please arrive without any makeup on. DO NOT DRINK ANY ALCOHOL WITHIN 24 HOURS OF YOUR APPT. Eyeliner - Please remove any contact lenses, and just wear your glasses to your appointment. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes feel comfortable. (This is normally 24 hours after the procedure). Please do not bring children to your procedure appointment. We do not provide childcare nor will we be able to work with constant interruptions. Any tattooing is illegal under the age of 18, therefore minors will not be allowed in the treatment room. Please refrain from bringing guests with you to your appointment due to cross contamination and interruption (unless permission has been obtained in advance). The treatment room is small and does not allow for extra accommodation. Please also refer to "What is your Pre Treatment Advice?"
  • What do I need to do on the day of my appointment?
    If you normally fill in your eyebrows and want this style to be considered, please come to your appointment with them filled in. We want to take your preferences into consideration when deciding on a shape that you will be comfortable with. Alternatively, bring a decent photo of your chosen brow shape. Map out your route to account for traffic or construction delays prior to your appointment. Re-visit the main page to familiarise yourself with the driving directions provided if this is your first visit. Make sure you have eaten, are well hydrated and well rested. Wear comfortable clothing, and make sure you will be warm enough. If your hair is long and on your face, it's best to tie it back or clip it out the way.
  • How long does the appointment take?
    The appointment is approximately two to two and a half hours. When you arrive, we immediately numb the area for 20-30 minutes and discuss any questions or concerns, as well as any preferences you have regarding the final outcome. Then, we will draw an outline that will be our template during the procedure to stay within - you will also have the opportunity to request any changes to the stencil to meet your preferences. The colour we will use is intended to heal to match the colour of any existing hair, so there's a seamless blend between the tattooed strokes and your existing hairs. The tattooing itself usually takes around an hour and a half, but we recommend allowing for a full 3 hours to complete the procedure. Appointments can sometimes run longer if the technician deems it necessary, so we recommend not having any time-sensitive commitments immediately following your procedure. You should have no visibility issues driving home from the appointment.
  • Do I have to book a second appointment (top-up)?
    If you want beautiful natural end results, then yes. Session 2 is highly recommended as we won't know exactly how your skin is going to heal. Some people end up with small patches where the pigment didn't take properly. If you want the final result to be perfect then trust me and book your top-up appointment! All new treatments are a 2 stage layering process. We want your treatment to heal soft and natural so the pigment has to be applied in stages. This also gives me a chance to see how the pigment will sit in your skin, and whether it needs and adjustments. In the 1st session we are laying the foundations. In the 2nd session, we are building on those foundations.
  • When should I schedule my top-up appointment?
    Your top-up appointment should be scheduled within 8-12 weeks of your first session. We recommend booking this asap after scheduling your initial session, in order to successfully schedule your top-up appointment within the 8-12 week window. Appointments that occur after 12 weeks will be subjected to an increase in price. We do not guarantee availability. It’s up to you to make sure you’re scheduling your top-up and additional colour boosts ahead of time, as instructed. Arriving to your initial session having not scheduled your top-up is against our recommendations - we possibly won’t be able to get you back in for your top-up within our 8-12 week window.
  • What's your aftercare advice?
    The treatment you have chosen involves breaking the skin surface so there is always a potential risk for infection to occur afterwards. Your skin will be sensitive after the treatment and you must adhere to the following instructions for at least 10 days until the treated area has healed to avoid infection and aid recovery. It’s perfectly normal for there to be slight flaky skin on the treated area(s), which will fall off in a few days, and can then look colourless for a day or two. There may be lighter patches once healed due to aftercare, skin type, or other factors, and further treatments may be needed. It takes 6 to 8 weeks for the colour to mature to the final healed result. Immediately after the procedure, the colour is at its brightest as it is sitting on top of the skin. As the treatment heals, the colour will soften, become lighter and shed away as your body expels the excess pigment. Your final result is a combination of the implanted colour plus the colour of your natural skin tone. As the skin heals, a waterproof barrier is created which will protect and seal the remaining pigment. Aftercare is key to the healing of your permanent makeup and must be strictly followed. If you pick at them, you will lose colour and will be liable to pay for additional retouches. Immediately after the treatment, you may notice whiteness or blanching around the area - this is normal and will subside within a few hours. You may get some swelling - this is also normal and should subside within 2 days. In some cases there may be slight bruising. This should last no longer than 1 week. Remember - your colour will be darker and more prominent for 5-7 days on average. Once healed, the area should be protected daily with a good SPF cream. As soon as your procedure is finished your skin will prepare to heal. The skin will begin to close and in a few days you may notice a thin crust - this will protect the area whilst the top layers of the skin fully heals. Around day 4-5 this will start to flake away revealing the pigment. You may initially see a much lighter hue of implanted colour. Be patient - this will change and the colour will bloom back to the surface of the skin over the next 10-15 days. In some cases a true healed colour may not be seen for up to 3 months. ​Aftercare Pack All new treatments come with an aftercare pack for you to take home with you to ensure that you take good care of your PMU treatment. Included in the pack, you will receive a pot of Ink of Coco Supreme Cocoa Butter aftercare, together with instructions for application. Ink of Coco skincare is the industry leading fully natural and organic aftercare for tattoos and cosmetic tattoos. They use only fair trade and sustainable suppliers for their ingredients, and use ZERO plastics. I am very honoured and proud to be part of the Ink of Coco Pro Artist Team. For more information, please visit For the first 6 hours post treatment, keep the area completely clean and dry. Do not apply anything (excl lips, you can apply balm immediately). This 6 hour window allows the wound time to primarily close with no interference of any foreign molecules and doesn't hinder its natural process of repair. This allows the tissue to breathe and close as well as helping lock in the pigment. For the first 10 days, keep the treated areas as dry as possible. It is vital that you keep the treated area(s) clean to avoid any infection. For best results & skin healing, continue to apply the healing balm once a day for another 10 days. Brows After the first 6 hours, gently wipe the area clean with a damp tissue or cotton round. Pat dry and apply a thin layer of healing balm with a clean cotton bud. Repeat 2-3 times a day until the area has healed (about 10 days). Eyebrows may appear to have ‘nothing left’ once the crust has exfoliated - please be patient. The macrophage process pulls the pigment into the deeper tissues while it tries to expel the ‘foreign substance’ - this is perfectly normal and the pigment will usually bloom back to the surface of the skin within 10-15 days. Eyeliner After the first 6 hours, gently wipe the area clean with a damp tissue or cotton round. Pat dry and apply a thin layer of healing balm with a clean cotton bud. Repeat 2-3 times a day until the area has healed (about 10 days). If the eye feels a little puffy, you can apply ice as a cold compress. You may experience minor redness, swelling and tenderness of the eyelids, eyelashes that stick together (particularly overnight), dryness and itching in the treated area, for 4 days. Use sunglasses to protect your eyes from wind and pollution. Do not wear contact lenses for 24 hours. Loss of some eyelashes during the healing process is a possibility; these will usually grow back within a 3-month period. Lash extensions should not be worn for a minimum of 4 weeks. Lips You can apply your healing balm immediately post procedure & throughout the day as needed using a cotton bud. Wash your hands before applying the product and prevent cross-contamination of the product by using a clean cotton bud each time. Use luke-warm water with a cotton bud to clean the area prior to applying the balm. Apply healing balm before eating and drinking (about 7 days). You may experience swelling and redness, flaking and mild itchiness for 4 days as the lips heal. Ice packs protected with fabric may be applied as necessary to reduce any swelling. Dry skin may remain for up to 3 weeks. These symptoms are a normal part of the healing process. Minimising infection risk guidance tips (during the post-treatment period - 10 Days): Avoid unnecessary touching, scratching or picking of the treated area to reduce the risk of introducing infection. Some itching is normal. DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR RUB your enhancement as the colour may heal unevenly and you could risk infection, which in turn could lead to scarring. Allow the colour to flake away by itself; Please be sure not to over apply the healing balm as this can suffocate your skin and delay the healing. Avoid any abrasive products, rough towels or similar; Avoid getting the treated area(s) wet! – KEEP AS DRY AS POSSIBLE. (Apply a layer of non-petroleum vaseline to your enhancement when washing your hair or when brushing your teeth to prevent it from becoming wet. Remove the Vaseline with damp cotton pads.) If your enhancement gets wet, gently pat the area dry using a clean tissue; If possible, bathe rather than shower whilst the treated area is healing, so that unnecessary water exposure is prevented; We recommend that you use a gentle facial cleanser to freshen your skin during the 10 days. Do not splash-wash your face. Do however clean your enhancement twice daily with damp cotton pads. If your enhancement gets wet, gently pat with a clean dry tissue. Keep your hair away from your enhancement to prevent the possibility of infection. Use a clean pillowcase when sleeping, and do not sleep on your face. LIPS - Avoid eating spicy and salty foods and drink through a straw for 3 days. LIPS - Avoid kissing for 5 days to prevent infection. EYELINER - Avoid eyelash tinting, lash lifts or artificial lashes, and do not use lash growth products. Avoid applying make-up close to your enhancement (if applying mascara, it must be brand new); Avoid facial treatments, including eyelashes or eyebrow tinting/plucking, electrolysis, etc; Avoid excessive exercise/sweating as opened pores can affect pigment retention. Avoid saunas, steam, or any other heat treatments; Avoid swimming, sunbathing and sunbeds until the treated area is fully healed, as direct sunlight / chlorine can interact with pigments causing skin irritation and inflammation; Avoid using any form of bleach or depilatory products; Avoid using any skin products, exfoliants, anti-ageing creams or soaps on the treated area that have not been recommended by your practitioner. Avoid petroleum based skin creams as they may affect the colour of the treated area. There is generally no need to use any other skin creams / antiseptic products; If you have pets, please keep them away from the treated areas during the healing period; Always wash and dry your hands before and after handling a newly treated site; After approximately two weeks, any flakey skin should have gone and been replaced with new, intact skin. The area(s) should be completely healed in a further 10-14 days. If you have any problems or queries, please contact your technician initially. You will be referred to your GP if there are signs of adverse reaction / infection, but do not worry. You should accept that this could be due to living in non-sterile conditions. IMPORTANT: once the skin flakes come off, the area can look completely colourless, as though no work has been done. This is completely normal, the colour will return after a few days and become more normal looking. If for any reason it doesn’t return & your skin didn’t respond well, your technician may need to amend the technique, pressure, & colour choice at your top-up. It is not the end of the road. Please protect your permanent makeup from the sun As well as damaging your skin, the harmful UV rays from the sun can break down the pigment in your permanent makeup causing it to fade much quicker than it normally would. Just consider this... if you leave a fabric chair in a window where the sunlight shines through, the fabric colour will fade!! I recommend wearing a physical SPF (at least SPF30) that creates a barrier over your skin and reflects the harmful rays. Brow maintenance It's important to keep your brows maintained after having them tattooed. Any stray hairs outside of the tattooed area can distort the shape of the brow. It can also make them appear undefined and faded. Once your brows are fully healed, it's so easy to maintain your brows at home by plucking the stray hairs out yourself. Especially as you now have a template guide to follow.
  • How long do they take to heal?
    They will take 6 weeks to be completely healed. The 10 days - no makeup on or near the area, and do not wet your treatment. After that, you can wear makeup if desired. After you've lost all scabbing and flaking, and all visible openings in the skin have closed, you can wash them gently with soap and water. No swimming for 10 days, and limit sun exposure if possible even after they are healed (always wear a hat and use sunscreen!).
  • What do they look like whilst they're healing?
    Immediately after the procedure is how you can anticipate the healed result to look. In the hours following the appointment, your treatment will darken noticeably and the pigment will appear much darker than initially due to swelling. This will cause the treatment to look much larger, and misshapen 1-2 weeks after the procedure. The appearance of much darker brows/lips/eyeliner is due to the pigment oxidising as each hair stoke/dot is essentially an open wound. They will lighten by 40-60% and the strokes will appear thinner 1-2 weeks after, and they will continue to lighten through the 4 weeks following the appointment. Please consider the timing of your appointment in relation to any upcoming events. You are likely going to have more intense looking brows/lips/eyeliner for the first two weeks of healing.
  • Can I exercise or work-out after the treatment?
    If possible, I would refrain from any physical activity that causes heavy sweating for the first 10 days. That means no hot yoga, long showers, baths, steam rooms, saunas, hot tubs, or heavy cardio.
  • Can I wear makeup immediately after the treatment?
    For the 10 days, no makeup on or near the relevant treatment area, but everywhere else is fine. Please use caution when applying other makeup, and refrain from getting it close to the area. Treat it like an open wound. Would you put foundation right up to the edge of an open wound? No!
  • What options do I have if I don't like the results of my permanent makeup procedure?
    Please wait at least 6 weeks before forming any final opinions about your treatment. Your treatment will go through a series of stages where you may not like them. That is the nature of the healing process. They can look huge, misshapen, completely uneven/asymmetrical, too dark or too light, patchy, etc. So drawing any conclusions about your treatment before they have had a chance to fully heal is only going to cause you unnecessary grief. You as the client need to trust the process as well as what the technician has explained to you regarding what to expect. Please trust the process! If you still do not like them then removal would be an option!
  • Is it important to follow aftercare instructions after a PMU treatment?
    Following aftercare instructions after getting permanent makeup is essential for several reasons: Healing and Recovery - Permanent makeup is a form of tattooing and the skin undergoes a healing process after the procedure. Proper aftercare can help ensure a smoother and faster recovery. Failure to follow aftercare instructions can lead to complications, such as infections, scarring, or pigment retention issues. Minimising Infections - Cleanliness is crucial after any tattooing procedure. Following aftercare instructions, which typically include keeping the treated area clean, can help minimise the risk of infections that can occur if bacteria or contaminants enter the healing skin. Pigment Retention - The way you care for the treated area after a permanent makeup treatment can affect the retention of pigment. Following aftercare guidelines can help ensure that the pigments remain vibrant and that the desired cosmetic effect is achieved.
  • Is it normal for brows to scab after the treatment?
    It's quite common for the eyebrows to scab/flake and go through various stages of healing after a permanent makeup treatment. The healing process typically follows these stages: Initial Swelling: After the procedure, you may experience some swelling, redness, and tenderness in the treated area. This is a normal part of the immediate post-treatment phase. Scabbing or Flaking: Over the next few days, the treated area may start to scab or flake. Itchiness and Dryness: It's common to experience some itching and dryness as the scabs begin to flake away. It's important not to scratch or pick at the scabs/flakes. Colour Fading: The initial colour applied during the procedure may appear very dark but will gradually lighten as the skin heals and regenerates.
  • What is permanent makeup/micropigmentation?
    All micropigmentation and PMU treatments should be considered PERMANENT. There are no guarantees that the pigment will completely disappear - it will fade over time and need topping up annually, but it may never completely disappear. It is essential to be absolutely sure that you want this treatment before going ahead. Not having to draw your eyebrows on every day is a wonderful thing, but this treatment needs annual top-ups or it will fade and look less appealing. We will always advise on a natural looking shape and not a fashionable shape, as you want a shape that will age with you. It is a totally safe form of aesthetic/cosmetic enhancement in which pharmaceutical grade pigments are implanted into the upper layers of the skin with a needle(s) to mimic the makeup you wear (powder) or the natural hair strokes. It can also add colour to lips and eyeliner. For more information, please visit the treatments page.
  • Am I a good candidate for permanent makeup?
    Clients who have the following will greatly benefit from these treatments: Eyebrows sparse eyebrow hair no eyebrow hair alopecia patients mobility limitations Lips lack of lip shape definition vermilion border fading very pale natural lip colour uneven lip shape Eyeliner sparse eyelash line fed up with eyeliner makeup smudging allergies to topical makeup wanting definition for your eyes
  • Am I/is my skin suitable?
    We have a wide range of pigment choices for different skin ranges and hair colours. Very oily skin or skin with visible pores, or is more "mature" or thin, is not typically suitable for microblading/hair strokes as the result can end up more blurry and not lasting as long, if any pigment remains in the skin at all. Any additional treatments are chargeable. In these cases, Ombre brows will always be advised. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18, you are unable to have most of our treatments. If you have any medical conditions or have to take medication, please check with us first. Accutane must be stopped 12 months before treatment. Type 1 & 2 diabetes, chemo, radiation, etc, - please seek and provide doctor’s confirmation to go ahead. Previous brow treatments must have SIGNIFICANTLY faded for a fresh microblading treatment. This is compared to skin with NO pigment in it, not from when it was first done. If not, powder may be recommended as your only option on the day, and failure to check with us beforehand resulting in no treatment being carried out, will result in losing the booking fee/deposit
  • Who isn't a good candidate for permanent makeup?
    If you are pregnant, or plan on getting pregnant in the near future, or are breastfeeding. If you are unable or do not intend to come back for your followup session and any additional touch-ups necessary If you have any condition that compromises your immune system, and are not able to take antibiotics in the event of an infection If your skin is highly compromised (i.e. very thin/fragile & irritated, recently sunburned, or displaying symptoms of some kind of reaction / irritation / outbreak / herpes flareup) If you are unable to or do not intend to read/follow the pre/post procedures & aftercare If you are under 18 years of age
  • How long will the pigment last in the skin?
    Pigment retention depends on each individual skin type. Age, aftercare, immune system, medications and sun exposure together with other factors have an effect on how long your procedure will last. Softer more natural procedures tend to fade faster requiring a colour boost every 12-18 months to maintain their colour and shape. Always use a good sunscreen as sun exposure will fade your enhancement. I usually recommend a colour boost treatment every 18-24 months to maintain perfect results. As the pigments are not implanted as deeply as a conventional tattoo, the results are not as permanent and they will gradually fade over time. A top-up within 8-12 weeks is to perfect any gaps and colour loss expected after the first treatment. Thereafter, a colour boost is recommended every 18-24 months (sometimes longer) to maintain that fresh look. Some people retain the pigment better than others. Duration is dependent on a number of factors (i.e. lifestyle, hygiene, sun exposure, etc). Some people decide to freshen their brows after just 6 months. However, with some people, pigment can be visible indefinitely.
  • Is the treatment painful?
    If you have any concerns, it's important to discuss these and your pain tolerance with me before the procedure. I can explain the process, discuss pain management options, and help you understand what to expect during the treatment. The level of discomfort or pain experienced during a permanent makeup procedure can vary from person to person and may depend on various factors, including individual pain tolerance, the area being treated, and the technique used. Here are some factors to consider: • Pain Tolerance: People have different pain thresholds, so what one person perceives as mild discomfort, another may find more painful. If you are sensitive to pain, you may experience more discomfort during the procedure. • Area of Treatment: The level of discomfort can vary depending on the area being treated. In general, areas with thinner skin and more sensitive nerve endings, such as the lips and eyelids, can be more uncomfortable than areas with thicker skin, like the eyebrows. Numbing cream is provided to maximise comfort. Lip blush permanent makeup can be sensitive at the start of the treatment, however eyebrows hurts "less than threading". Depending on your chosen method, it will either feel a little like a scratch, or like a vibration, and sometimes a tickle - either of which are not very painful. The ‘first pass’ can be a little uncomfortable, but it is manageable because it's quick (around 5-10 mins on each side). The first pass is referring to the needle going across the agreed shape once. This is to ‘break the skin’ to allow the numbing gel to activate. After this point you’ll feel very little. I work efficiently and methodically to ensure the skin is not overworked and the healing is not compromised.
  • What's the difference between permanent makeup pigment and tattoo ink?
    They are very similar! However put simply, PMU pigments are more dilute, whereas tattoo pigments are more concentrated. They are made up of the same ingredients just in different quantities. Permanent makeup artist also have the option to choose a pigment with a higher ratio of inorganic materials vs organic materials to help control the level of fade, whereas with traditional tattoo pigment you have much less of a choice. Then why does one fade more than the other? Being less saturated means that the body needs to break down less pigment and wash it away in order for us to see a fade. Position of the tattoo also lends to fading. If you got a 'traditional' tattoo on your face it would fade quicker than on your arm for example. This is due to the thinness of skin, the exposure to the elements and likelihood of having products applied to it which are detrimental to the tattoo. This fade factor is why you require colour boosts for permanent makeup more than you would a body tattoo. Another difference between PMU & body art tattoos are sometimes wrongly described by body art tattoos being deeper in the skin. This is not correct. Tattoo artists and permanent makeup artists both tattoo into the upper dermis (layer of the skin). If the ink doesn’t go in deep enough to reach the dermis then it will only go in to the epidermis which will fade out as the skin goes through its natural shedding process over the course of a 2-4 week period, and too deep and you get migration and blow out.
  • When do I know if I need a colour boost?
    These are factors which affect the longevity and retention of your PMU: If you have: oily skin, thyroid imbalance, autoimmune imbalance, or hormonal imbalance - your PMU will fade at a much quicker rate. If you regularly: sweat (exercising), are exposed to direct sunlight (or sunbeds), go for facials, use chemicals such as retinol or glycolic acid - your PMU will fade at a much quicker rate. To help you decide if you are ready for a colour boost, here are some pointers: Your PMU is patchy and faded (at least 50%) You are filling them in with makeup Your PMU has lost definition Your PMU has discoloured Please note - there must be enough skin to pigment transparency before we are able to add more pigment. We do not want the skin to become over-saturated. If you are unsure about when to book, please just let me know so that we can discuss it.
  • Are there any contraindications?
    ​ Cosmetic tattooing is a treatment that involves minor breakage of the skin surface. This process may complicate some medical conditions. Please read the following information carefully and if any of these conditions apply to you, you MUST declare them to me prior to your treatment on the premises, or by emailing in advance. Skin Conditions Eczema - this may make a person more prone to skin infections/irritations Psoriasis or other chronic skin conditions, excluding acne and disorders of pigmentation - same complications as eczema Circulatory disorders Heart disorders - some heart defects render individuals more prone to serious heart complications from any blood infections High/low blood pressure - can cause light-headedness and may be linked to other heart-circulation disorders Haemophilia and other bleeding disorders - as may result in poor healing/clotting. ​ ​ Pregnancy Nursing mothers - potential risk of infection to mother and baby Pregnancy - the immune response may be affected by pregnancy; and infection may affect the unborn child Other medical conditions Epilepsy - medication may cause side effects and poor control of the condition may result in fitting during treatment Diabetes - long term sufferers may have circulation problems that can reduce healing properties of the skin; this can result in severe infection Autoimmune disease - or other conditions or treatments causing immunodeficiency (e.g. cancer treatments) - more prone to serious infection; HIV a risk factor for practitioner Medication - side effects may affect healing and recovery from treatment Allergic Responses Allergies - especially nickel allergy; may result in serious skin reactions from small amounts of metal sometimes present in applied products (pigments, etc). Other considerations before you undergo treatment General - treatment cannot be undertaken if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol Any other conditions - the above list is not exhaustive. If you are suffering from any other medical conditions not listed, please inform your practitioner.
  • Permanent or semi-permanent?
    We refer to cosmetic tattooing as permanent makeup because we can assume that some residual trace of any pigment ingredients will remain in the skin forever, even if you can’t see them. Some makeup artists refer to it as ‘semi permanent’ makeup because it gradually fades over time as the pigment breaks down in the skin. This can be slightly misleading as it gives an impression of being temporary – just because you can’t see it does not mean it is not there.
  • Do you do removal?
    yes! We offer 'liFt' removal
  • Can you have permanent makeup with scarred skin?
    Scarred skin can present challenges when considering permanent makeup, but it's not necessarily a barrier to the procedure. Before undergoing permanent makeup on scarred skin, it's essential to have a face-to-face consultation. I can assess the scar tissue's condition, thickness, and texture to determine if it's suitable for the procedure. Another consideration would be the age and type of scar. Older scars that have fully matured may be more amenable to permanent makeup than newer scars. Additionally, certain types of scars, such as raised keloid scars, may not be ideal candidates for permanent makeup.
  • Are there any contraindications for permanent makeup treatments?
    Please note that cosmetic tattooing may not be suitable for the following people/conditions: Under 18 years of age Pregnant / Breast feeding Haemophilia or other blood clotting disorders Those undergoing or having undergone chemotherapy within less than 6 months Those taking coagulents/blood thinning medication e.g. Warfarin Those taking steroid treatments High/uncontrolled blood pressure Diabetes Type 1 Auto-immune disease and any other medical condition that causes slow healing or a high risk of infection. Graves’ disease / hyperthyroidism High blood pressure Severe allergies Lupus / Autoimmune disease Keloid scarring Eczema / Seborrheic dermatitis Albinism Excessively oily skin Excessively dry/flaky skin Broken capillaries (in brow area) Moles in the direct area Keratosis / skin growths If you have any of the above medical conditions, if you haven't already, please discuss this with your technician asap.
  • Is permanent makeup expensive?
    Please do your research before you decide and choose your technician. I have sadly seen many clients with disappointing results from less reputable technicians, so please don't be driven by price alone. If you cannot stretch to spending the money on this bespoke service which is endorsed and has proven experienced results, then is it probably best to wait until you can. In this industry, it is usually the higher end of the market which will deliver the most effective results.
  • Can the treatments discolour?
    YES they can! There are two forms of permanent makeup inks/pigments. Iron Oxide based pigments, and carbon-based pigments which are a hybrid of organic and inorganic mineral-based pigments. They break down differently, but they are much more stable in 2024 than they were all those years ago. It’s very much down to the artists' knowledge and experience in what they are using and what they are mixing up to implant into the skin that results in a not-so-favourable aged colour. But this is not exclusively why. There are other factors to consider such as certain medications, sun exposure, depth, skill etc. I would consider myself experienced enough in colour theory to allow me to understand how to obtain the right result for my clients. I ask clients to advise me on what colour they want to achieve in terms of light brown, dark brown, medium brown etc. and then I mix the colour that I know will more than likely heal as they’d like. The golden rule is: Clients Undertone + Pigment Selection = HEALED RESULT
  • Is the treatment permanent?
    There are a lot of variables to consider here. I’d consider myself seasoned enough to have experienced many examples of aged heals over the years, even my own PMU treatments. YES, I have seen cases where colour has completely disappeared, but I’ve seen the opposite, too, where pigment has become darker. Let me explain in more detail... First and foremost, IF the work has been carried out correctly, right colour chosen, etc, etc. then it really does depend on your body's agenda. That aside, here are the variables... The artist's pressure, depth and colour choice. Saturation of pigment in the skin. By this I mean how many layers of pigment were implanted into the area. This matters because light needs to be able to pass through pigment in order for it to break down. The integrity of your skin. Pigment quality! This is a big one and I can talk about pigment science for a long time but I won’t bore you with the science. And the last bit of science for you... it is worth knowing that permanent makeup pigments ARE designed to fade, and by fade I mean break down, become patchy, etc. The pigment molecules are looser and more spread out in comparison to tattoo inks where the pigment molecules are smaller and tighter, preventing a break down over time.
  • What are the ingredients?
    De-ionized Water N-Propanol Zinc Oxide Glycolic Acid Magnesium Oxide Calcium Oxide Propylene Glycol Triethanolamine Benzoic Acid
  • What are the benefits?
    MM Tattoo Remover solution is completely safe. It won’t cause any damage to your skin. It can even be used around the eye area. It works on all colours of pigment/ink. It is effective on all skin types. The removal procedure is much less painful than laser removal. You can say goodbye to your unwanted tattoo with this amazing solution.
  • What should I expect during the treatment?
    During the treatment, a numbing agent will be used to keep you comfortable. Then, a sterile solution will be tattooed over your unwanted tattoo. The process of applying the solution should take 30 to 90 minutes depending on the size of your tattoo. A scab will then form after 5-10 days and when this falls off, the colour will look lighter. Keep in mind, MM Tattoo Removal should only be done by trained, skilled, licensed and insured permanent makeup specialists. Results will vary depending on but not limited to: Your health profile Your skin condition Your ability to heal well Technique used The type & colour of the pigment to be lightened Depth of pigment placement Compliance with aftercare instructions
  • What's your aftercare for MM Tattoo Remover?
    ​ There are important and crucial steps to be considered in the entire removal process, such as the skin restoration after removal procedure using MM Tattoo Remover. Within 5-7 days after the procedure while the crusts remain on the skin, it is recommended you keep it clean and avoid using any creams, powders, ointments, or gels. Immediately after the procedure, gently blot the area with a cotton pad dampened with chlorhexidine (provided). Keep the treated area dry for 24 hours after the procedure. If it becomes wet due to the action of leukocytes or through accidental contact with water, gently blot the area with a cotton pad/bud dipped in chlorhexidine to remove any moisture. On the following day, you need to blot the crust with a cotton pad soaked in chlorhexidine, and immediately dry using a cotton pad. This procedure must be repeated twice a day and continued for another 5-7 days (once in the morning and once in the evening) until the crust completely falls off. After a few days a brownish crust will form on the treated area of ​​the skin, which naturally disappears after 5-7 days. The treated area should be kept clean and dry, and refrain from using any creams, powders, ointments, gels. Refrain from using chemical peels and exfoliators. Do not pick or pull at the treated area as this will lead to the formation of a scar and prolong the healing period. Avoid visiting the sauna, solarium or swimming pool. Avoid direct contact with soap or shower water. When washing your face, use cotton pads and do not get them too wet. Do not allow the crust to soften with prolonged exposure to moisture. After the crust has disappeared, redness may be visible on the treated area of ​​the skin, which will be present on the skin for several weeks (this is considered normal). Gradually the skin will return to its normal state. Immediately after the crust disappears, it is necessary to actively restore the skin with the help of regenerating and healing creams (such as Bepanthen or Dexpanthenol) for two weeks. You need to apply the cream twice a day to reduce skin redness and facilitate the healing process. After that, you need to use the Vitamin E oil (provided) for a further 2 weeks to help prevent scarring. It is advisable for two weeks after that clients use a maximum protection sunscreen due to the violation of the integrity of the skin and must be protected from direct sunlight. Pigmentation may occur on the skin if not applied. If the pigment is not completely removed from the treated area, the above procedure can be done again after the treated skin area has healed well (usually after 6-8 weeks). New PMU can be applied to the treated area after the skin has healed well (usually after 6-8 weeks). Additional recommendations for lip care after PMU removal: Be careful when using facial expressions, brushing your teeth, eating and having hot drinks. In case of herpes (cold sores), on the day it occurs it’s recommended to use Acciclovir cream. (Remember - Herpes only targets the lips! Brow and eyelid treatments do not provoke herpes) During the first 2-3 days, it is advisable not to consume very hot drinks and to exclude spicy hot foods. It may help to use a straw when drinking fluids. Refrain from kissing until the crust disappears. It is advisable that you continue washing your hands before you touch the lips and surrounding area to prevent contamination. ❖ It is important to the process and integrity of the skin that 8 full weeks of healing takes place before another lightening session can be done. No exceptions! ❖ Removing or lightening unwanted pigment can be a long process and patience is required. This is true whether you are choosing a saline lightening product or laser. Please be patient and give the process a fair chance to work. Expect visible and wanted results in 2 to 5 sessions. How many sessions needed will depend on how saturated the pigment is, how deep it was implanted, the location, the skin type and how much needs to be lightened for the desired result. In many cases, only a percentage of the pigment needs to be lightened and then I can continue the correction process by colour correcting or colour shifting. In those cases where we have pigment misplaced, or in an unwanted area, colour correcting will not be an option and lightening as much of the pigment as possible will be my ultimate goal. ❖ Results cannot be foreseen, predicted or guaranteed. ❖ If you have any questions or concerns please call me. If at any time you have any green or yellow pus in the area of the lightening procedure, or any concerns at all during the healing process please contact me immediately.
  • When can I book in my permanent makeup treatment after removal?
    If you are having MM Tattoo removal, we would recommend waiting 12-14 weeks post final session before having the area reworked. The soonest you can have the area worked on is 4-6 weeks post final laser removal - depending on how fast you heal. People who are generally slow healers or who have more mature skin are advised to wait at least 8 weeks.
  • Do you remove body tattoos?
    Yes! As long as they are maximum 3x3" in size and don't wrap around a limb! The tattoo would need to be in an area that you can easily reach and care for to ensure you look after it correctly post procedure. I would recommend laser removal on lower limbs.
  • How many sessions do I need?
    Sadly we cannot give an exact answer to this! It completely and utterly depends on what tattoo you have, how many times you had the area worked on, what pigments were used, your skin type, lifestyle, genetics, how well you take to the removal, etc. There is no way to say for sure at all but as a VERY rough guide we suggest 2-4 for a full removal, spaced 8 weeks apart.
  • Are there any side effects from MM Tattoo Remover?
    The MM Tattoo Removal process is completely safe and will not cause any of the typical laser removal side effects!
  • Does MM Tattoo Removal hurt?
    MM Tattoo Removal is less painful than laser removal. Moreover, a numbing agent will be applied in order to minimise any discomfort.
  • Can you remove eyeliner?
    It is possible this method to remove eyeliner but due to the sensitivity and delicacy of the area, we would only use this method for partial removal - i.e to remove the flick, or an area of thickness, or migration. If you want to remove the whole area, I would recommend laser removal.
  • How do I care for my skin after the treatment?
    There are few simple after care instructions that must be followed to prevent complications and achieve optimum results! You must keep the treated area clean and open to the air. Air/oxygen provides faster healing. You should try to keep the treated area dry. You should avoid bathing, swimming, exercising, sweating and tanning. You should not touch, pick at or try to remove scab manually. The scab must fall off entirely on its own. Once the scab has fallen off on its own, you should apply one drop of Vitamin E oil 3 to 4 times throughout the day for at least 4 weeks. You should get in touch with a doctor if you notice any signs of infection.
  • Do you sell Gift Vouchers?
    Yes! If you would like one, please message me on 07521 059607, and after your payment has been processed, I will post the gift voucher directly to you. Alternatively, to purchase a digital voucher, just click on the "BUY NOW" button above and you will be redirected to my online booking system where you can choose the amount you require, enter the relevant names, and any message you would like to include, together with your email address. You will then be taken to a secure payment page where you will be able to enter your payment details. You can then either print the voucher, or have it emailed to yourself.
  • How do I redeem my gift voucher?
    All vouchers apply to all NEW treatments only. Please contact me on 07521 059607 to redeem any vouchers and to book your chosen permanent makeup treatment.
  • Gift voucher Ts & Cs
    Terms & Conditions All gift vouchers are non-transferable, non-refundable, cannot be exchanged for cash, and are valid for one-time use only. All vouchers must be presented for validation on arrival. Any bookings made will be subject to my normal booking policy and terms and conditions.
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